67 5 East Sycamore Road, Snow Shoe, PA 16874  (814) 387-4124 Church Office Hours: By appointment only.

Ladies Life Group

An invitation for ladies……….
Are you bored? Tired of being pent up? Getting a little stiff or weak in the body or brain?
Winter is long, Covid is long but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s come together one morning a week to renew, revive, strengthen, and encourage one another!
We will do some light stretching/strengthening exercises designed to be done sitting in a chair. (The Ageless Grace Program) fitness for the body and brain. This will be followed by a Devotional from the Word.

Starting: February 15th- 10:30am
At: Mountaintop Alliance Church
675 E. Sycamore Rd.
Snow Shoe, PA
NO registration necessary.
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, bring a bible and a mask.
For further information call 814-387-4062 or email leisa.fishernan@gmail.com

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