67 5 East Sycamore Road, Snow Shoe, PA 16874  (814) 387-4124 Church Office Hours: By appointment only.

Life Groups – Fall 2024

Life Groups will be starting again on September 18, 2024. This year we’ll be starting a study in the book of Acts. Acts is a book written by Luke who set out to accurately record the beginnings of Christianity. Key people in Acts are Peter, Paul, Stephen, and Barnabas. Key events in the book of Acts are the arrival of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2), Peter preaching (Acts 2-3), Paul’s conversion (Acts 9), Gentiles respond to the message of Christ (Acts 10-19), and Paul’s imprisonment (20-28).

A Life Group is a small group of people who meet for fellowship, Bible discussion, and prayer in an effort to grow closer to God and closer to one another. In a fun and comfortable environment, Life Groups serve as a way to cultivate spiritual growth. Simply, Life Groups help new and seasoned believers fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.

Being a part of a Life Group will help you:

Develop deeper intimacy with God.
Build friendships and form bonds with others believers.
Grow in your faith and prayer life.
Serve others in the community.
Witness and evangelize to unbelievers.

Sign up for the six week schedule on the church bulletin board for Wednesday Mornings, Wednesday Evenings or Fridays. The groups will be meet at the church.

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