67 5 East Sycamore Road, Snow Shoe, PA 16874  (814) 387-4124 Church Office Hours: By appointment only.

Tagged: “Snow Shoe”

Sermon for March 4, 2018

Presented by Rev. Dr. Daniel Stegeman Title: The Test of Faith Text: Hebrews 11:17-19 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received […]

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Sermon for February 18, 2018

Presented by Rev. Dr. Daniel Stegeman Title: Our Mission: Making Disciples Text: Matthew 28:16-20 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed […]

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Sermon for March 11, 2018

Presented by Rev. Dr. Daniel Stegeman Title: Forgiveness In Christ Text: Luke 23:26-38 26 And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in […]

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Sermon for January 21, 2018

Presented by Rev. Dr. Daniel Stegeman Title: The Faith of Sarah Text: Hebrews 11:11-12 11 By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, […]

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